Shelley Stump

Shelley Stump

Shelley Stump is a Teacher of Ancient Wisdom, Shamanic Healer, and Peer Counselor on a lifelong spiritual journey to fulfill soul’s purpose. Shelley’s work focuses on sharing a vision of the connectedness and sanctity of all Life by supporting others in their direct experience of loving Spirit as principal and founder of Coyote Moon Healing Center in Tillamook. OR ( With Spirit’s guidance and support, Shelley created the Coyote Moon healing community where she teaches Earth-based spiritual practices including classes in shamanism as a path of direct revelation, shamanic journey practices, ceremonial drum and rattle making, ceremonial and other blessing rituals, and offers drumming and journey circles and seasonal celebrations.  Shelley also offers individual shamanic healing sessions using various ancient methods of spiritual healing such as soul retrieval, divination, extraction, healing with Spiritual Light, past life work, and peer counseling, to help individuals experience a transformative reclamation of their own power and vitality to support their personal healing journey. Shelley’s spirit-supported offerings come from her great joy and gratitude for Spirit’s guidance in her life.


Shelley is a retired attorney who spent much of her adult life “walking with feet in two worlds” – successfully navigating the challenging world of law, court administration, strategic planning, and non-profit organizational development while delving deep into the spiritual path of shamanism.  In seeking to fulfill her spiritual calling, Shelley studied for many years with Sandra Ingerman and others from the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. Shelley is included on Sandra Ingerman’s list of shamanic healing practitioners and teachers (see and is a founding member of the Society for Shamanic Practice (SSP).