Full of Shi^ft: Become the CEO of Your Life, $40

Instructor - Kendall Hassemer

Day & Time - Saturday at 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

(This is an Optional Workshop, register with a Partial Festival Pass or add it to a Full Festival Pass)

This lighthearted workshop is geared towards any level of practitioner that desires the freedom to get out of their own way and lead their practice and life from a place of truthfulness.  We will explore practical, technical and fun approaches to learning how digestion (specifically, the large intestine) relates to getting things done – by creating both shapes on our mats (asana) and making shifts toward truly living our lives. Beginners will learn how to safely move toward inversions, backbends and twists, and advanced practitioners will learn the subtleties of new approaches and transitions. Challenge yourself to get things done on and off the mat with laughter, ease, and no more excuses!  This workshop will be 1/2 hour interactive yogaNDhealth discussion and a 1.5 hour challenging and mindful practice.  Please bring a mat, block, blanket and strap.

Surfsand Resort Ballroom

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