Instructor - Brad Waites
Day & Time - Sunday at 8:30 am - 11:30 am
(Available in Full and Sunday Festival Pass or with a Partial Pass for $120)
Are you or your students stuck at the bridge but longing to get to wheel, the first full backbend in the practice? This workshop will clearly outline the necessary opening and strengthening for wheel posture, and it will give you a routine (full of tips and tricks) to follow at home to guarantee your progress. We will also clarify some of the essential features of bridge, and for those who are already moving into wheel, we will refine the fundamental alignment and safety points. Teachers will learn powerful techniques to help advance their students past bridge safely and effectively. Open to anyone who is committed to perfecting urdhva dhanurasana.
Please bring a mat, 2 blocks and a strap.
Tolovana Inn
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