All Day Intensive: Coming to Our Senses & Yoga for Addiction and Recovery, $125

Instructor - Sarahjoy Marsh

Day & Time - Friday at 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

(Register with a Partial Festival Pass or add to a  Full, Saturday, Sunday Pass)



Sarahjoy Marsh

All Day Intensive with Sarahjoy Marsh, $125

This one-day intensive is for yoga practitioners, as well as teachers, psychotherapists, mental health counselors, physical therapists, and others in the mind-body medicine field.

Morning: Coming to Our Senses

While yoga has the capacity to re-wire the nervous system, to soothe a hyper vigilant limbic brain, to restore a chronically adapted shut down reaction, to bring balance to the endocrine system, understanding how this happens empowers teachers, therapists, and students to make wise use of the tools of yoga. It isn’t just a matter of doing yoga, but how we do the yoga. This intensive will outline the methodology of Yoga Therapy for balancing right-brain and left-brain strengths, restoring and recruiting the senses to lessen physiological-neurological-and psychological restlessness and to bring harmony to brain and body, and integrating top-down bottom-up processing to soothe the limbic brain. We’ll explore all 8 limbs of yoga paying particular attention to pranayama, pratyahara, and dharana.

Afternoon: Are Harmony and Happiness Happenstance?

The Six Stations of the Mind outline the roadmap of potential mind habits. Addiction and self-harm are strategies both driven by and compelled to alleviate the anxious variations of the six stations (ie. past trauma, compulsive desire, heightened activation in response to aversions, a sense of self or other more steeped in shame and pain, fear of the unknown, and so on). Looking through the lens of yoga therapy, the behaviors make sense, though they also further compound the anxieties they’re meant to soothe. And they make more elusive the deep human hunger for love and belonging, hungers which we can consciously, artfully satiate when we allow ourselves to safely, curiously, compassionately feel into such hungers.

Please bring a mat.  If you have 2 blocks and a strap, please bring them.  A Chair will be available, if you don’t want to sit on the floor.  Otherwise bring what you need to be comfortable on the floor.

There will be a lunch break.  You may bring a lunch or go out to one of the nearby restaurants.


Professional CE credits available and will be coordinated by Sarahjoy’s staff.

Tolovana Inn

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