Hips Extravaganza PM

Instructor - Julie Gudmestad, PT

Day & Time - Saturday at 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm

(Available with Full Festival Pass or Saturday Festival Pass.  Add to a Partial Festival Pass for $80)

In our society, too much sitting leads to hips that are, ironically, both stiff and weak, which can contribute to overwork and strain in the next joints up and down the line, the low back and knees. Yoga, of course, has many wonderful tools to address these issues, and they’re a lot more fun than weight machines!

In this afternoon session, we’ll relax into deep hip openers and stretches, including standing, sitting and lying down poses. We’ll again be attentive to alignment, so that working to improve hip flexibility doesn’t contribute to low back and knee strain.

These classes are open to teachers and students with a year or more of yoga experience. Students will be supported in working at just the right level where they feel challenged yet safe.

Please bring a mat, block, strap and blanket.

Hallmark Resort

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