Blog Archives

Lecture: Ayurvedic Detox Tips for the Spring (Kapha) Season, Ann Wagoner

Sunday, 3/3 1:30 -3:00pm $30 at Surfsand Resort (This is an Optional Workshop, register with a Partial Festival Pass or add it to a Full Festival Pass.) According to Ayurveda, the 10 days just before and after the Spring Equinox

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Posted in Ann, Optional Workshop, Sunday Main Track Workshop

Lecture: Introduction to Ayurveda and the Three Doshas, Ann Wagoner

Saturday, 3/2 1:30 -3:00pm $30 at Surfsand Resort (This is an Optional Workshop, register with a Partial Festival Pass or add it to a Full Festival Pass.) Learn the secrets of this ancient healing system from India that parallels Yoga.

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Posted in Ann, Optional Workshop, Saturday Main Track Workshops

Imagination Yoga® for Teachers & Parents, Jamie Hopkins & Jessica McClinic

Sunday, 3/3  12:30 -3:00pm, $50 at Cannon Beach Elementary School (This is an Optional Workshop, register with a Partial Festival Pass or add it to a Full Festival Pass.) Imagination Yoga is a platform to inspire change in the lives

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Posted in Jamie, Optional Workshop, Sunday Main Track Workshop

Imagination Yoga® for Kids, Jamie Hopkins & Jessica McClintic

Sunday, 3/3  12:30 -1:00pm, Free w/ $6 registration fee at Cannon Beach Elementary School (This is an Optional Workshop, register with a Partial Festival Pass or add it to a Full Festival Pass.) An Imagination Yoga® Teacher will take your

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Posted in Jamie, Optional Workshop, Sunday Main Track Workshop

Purna Yoga™ Nidra, Aadil Palkhivala

Sunday, 3/3  3:30-5:30pm (Available with Full Festival Pass only until 2/15/13.) The mind, body and emotions are most effectively brought to rest in the still depths of consciousness when Shavasana is done progressively and systematically.  Purna Yoga™ Nidra is unique

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Posted in Aadil, Festival Workshop, Sunday Main Track Workshop

Hip Openers, Twists and Forward bends in Purna Yoga™, Aadil Palkhivala

Sunday, 3/3  8:30-11:30am (Available with Full Festival Pass only until 2/15/13.) Mobilizing and strengthening the hips is critical for a stable pelvis and emotional equanimity.  Opening the hips enhances the sitting position, which in turn helps with the stability of

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Posted in Aadil, Festival Workshop, Sunday Main Track Workshop

Keynote Address: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Aadil Palkhivala

Saturday, 3/2  7:00-7:30pm at Surfsand Resort (Included in Full Festival Pass.  $10 with Partial Festival Pass) The philosophy of the Yoga Sutras is essential to living a yogic life.  In this lecture, Aadil will focus on the second chapter of

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Posted in Aadil, Saturday Main Track Workshops

Teaching Inspirational Yoga Classes, Aadil Palkhivala

Saturday, 3/2  3:30-5:30pm (Available with Full Festival Pass only until 2/15/13.) Perspiration may be fun, but inspiration lasts forever!  This class will give teachers a deeper insight on how to guide their students toward experiencing a life of joy and

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Posted in Aadil, Festival Workshop, Saturday Main Track Workshops

The Beauty of the Purna Power Yoga™ Series, Aadil Palkhivala

Saturday, 3/2  8:30-11:30am (Available with Full Festival Pass only until 2/15/13.) The beauty of the Purna Yoga Power™ Series is the smooth, flowing movements coordinated with the breath with a thoughtfully arranged set of poses designed to cultivate external strength

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Posted in Aadil, Festival Workshop, Saturday Main Track Workshops

Restorative Yoga and Myofascial Release, Sarahjoy Marsh

Sunday, 3/3  3:30-5:30pm (Available with Full Festival Pass only until 2/15/13.) Restorative Poses are considered restorative in nature because they are done with props to support the body, allow for time to immerse into the medicine of the poses, invite

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Posted in Festival Workshop, Sarahjoy, Sunday Main Track Workshop

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